The Flatish ACME Grand 1000km Calendar Event 2022
This page is for downloading alternative versions of the GPS files for this, Tom Deakins' calendar event, starting from Witham Labour Club car park, on Thursday 1 September 2022 at 11.00. There's a bit of chatter on yacf.
A tour of the flatter parts of Eastern England, (with my apologies for the scenic ‘Rutland Alps’), featuring the Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire Fens, the Vales of Trent and York, and heading as far north as Bishop Auckland in County Durham, with only around 3,000 metres of ascent. Place-name scholars will notice the prevalence of Old Norse settlement names among the smaller villages, ending in -by, -worth, -thorpe etc, so the route could as well be branded a tour of the 9th Century Danelaw.
To enter this event, visit Audax UK's site here.
The Routesheet
You can download the official ride-information and routesheet from here.
The GPS Files
IMPORTANT — make sure you understand which version of the following GPS files are most suitable for your device.
- Garmin Edge devices — new 500, new 700, 800/810/820, 1000, 1030 — use TCX; 10,000 points should be okay
- The RideWithGPS IQ App also allows direct download from the pinned track to the latest Garmin Edge units with mobile connection
- Older Garmin Edge devices — you're in a murky area in that TCX should work, but you may get a more reliable result from GPX; 10,000 points should be okay
- Wahoo devices — TCX 10k, or "pin" the RideWithGPS route
- Older Garmin devices — GPX and either 250-point or 500-point depending on which device.
Make sure you test these files out on your device before you start!
The full-route files are provided as a single TCX or GPX each. However, the rest of the GPS routes, where the route is split into multiple GPS files, are provided as a ZIP file for each format — you require all of the files in the ZIP file!
Don't forget to take a pencil with you to write the info answers. And the routesheet, just in case!
There are additional notes in the organiser's notes and routesheet, including cautions and alternative routes. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the route and any reported hazards before you start, especially as none of this information is included in the GPS files!
Note: screen-name starts AG1K_
If you're still having GPS problems or have a question about GPS then email Nick.
If you have a question for the event organiser, then email Tom Deakins.